Download File PDF Hammerli Co2 Pistol Manual Hammerli Co2 Pistol Manual Thank you very much for downloading hammerli co2 pistol manual.Maybe you have knowledge that, people have see numerous times for their favorite books like this hammerli co2 pistol manual, but end occurring in harmful downloads. This is one of the really superb Hammerli Single CO2 target pistols that the company made in the sixties and seventies. Made to the famed company's superior standard of quality it is a masterful design featuring a constant pressure metering system that will also automatically vent the remaining CO2 if the cylinder pressure has dropped below the accuracy threshold. Aug 14, 2020 This PRIMO condition Hammerli Single not only comes with ITS original, serial numbered box, factory test target and manual, but is healthy, happy, shoots great (and strong), and holds Co2 indefinitely. The pistol itself is cosmetically as close to MINT as possible; only the most minor and hard to see blemishes keeping me from describing it as.
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- Ammo Type:Air
- Action Type:CO2
- Bore Diameter:0.177
- Calibre:.177 pellet
- Serial Number:061682
Private User
- Ammo Type:Air
- Action Type:CO2
- Bore Diameter:0.177
- Calibre:.177 pellet
- Serial Number:061682
Private User
Seller Type: | Private User Licence # 405873539 |
Location: | NORTH ROCKS, NSW, 2151 |
Transferring Dealer: | SSAA St Marys , NSW, 2760 Licence # 407573450 |
View other listings from this seller |
Hammerli Master air pistol, in exceptionally good condition, bluing near 100%, virtually unmarked, RH adjustable timber grip. Photos show without & with the fairly rare original Hammerli tubular barrel weight. Enigmatis 3: the shadow of karkhala for mac. Fitted carry case included, also has adapter to use the normal Co2 ' Daisy' type cylinders or the shorter Co2 'Sparklets' used in old type soda fountains, much cheaper & in most bottle shops. ( I used these for practice & the others for occasional matches.)
Holds pressure for months, does not leak, auto pressure release as shooting pressure drops too low.
Sights adjustable for elev. windage & sight radius.
Also has tool to fully disemmble internally & full Hammerli owners manual.
An ' Oldie' but in exceptional condition !
Ring Brien 041 624 5728 if more info. Is required.
Packaging & Post not included in price.
( As mentioned in other ads, selling up due to ill health, recovering from severe spinal cancer.)